Ptolemy X



Ptolemy X Alexander I Philometor1 king of Egypt, sometimes also Philometor Soter1.1, also probably known as Kokkes or Kokke's son2 and Pareisaktos3, and probably to be identified with Ptolemy Alexas3.1; son of Ptolemy VIII4 by Cleopatra III5 date of birth unknown but possibly year 31=140/396, possibly governor of Cyprus c. July 1167, proclaimed king in Cyprus in 114/38, replaced Ptolemy IX as junior ruler under Cleopatra III in September 1079, incorporated in the dynastic cult with her at that time as the Mother-loving Saviour Gods, Qeoi FilometwreV SwthreV10, senior eponymous priest in at least years 8 and 9 = 107/6 and 106/511, became senior ruler associated with Berenice III in October 10112, expelled from Alexandria and replaced by Ptolemy IX in c. May 8813, died while attempting to invade Cyprus in late summer 88 or spring / summer 8714, allegedly bequeathing the kingdom to Rome14.1, posthumously omitted from the dynastic cult15.

Ptolemy X's titles as king of Egypt were:16

Horus               nTrj-m-Vt Vnm.n-sw-@pw-anx-Hr-mdxn(t) Hwnw-nfr bnr-mrwt sxaj.n-sw-mwt.f-Hr-nst-jt.f
                   TmA-aHwj-xAswt jTj-m-sxm.f-mj-Ra-psD.f-m-Axt17
Two Ladies        shrw-tAwj kA-nxt sxm-nHH18
Golden Horus     aA-jb mrj-nTrw jty-BAqt HoA-WADtj ao.f-&Amrj-m-Htp (etc.)19
Throne Name     jwa-(n)-nTr-mnx-nTrt-mnxt-Rat stp-n-PtH jrj-MAat-Ra znn-anx-n-Jmn20
Son of Re          ptwlmjs Dd n.f Alksntrs anx-Dt mrj-PtH21

Ptolemy X married twice and had no known liaisons.

Ptolemy X first married Unknown, here identified as his sister Cleopatra Selene22, by whom he had at least one child, Ptolemy XI23.

Ptolemy X second married his niece and probable stepdaughter, Berenice III24, daughter of Ptolemy IX25 probably by Cleopatra Selene26, by whom he probably had at least one child, a daughter27, here identified with Cleopatra V28.

Update Notes:

11 Feb 2002: Added individual trees.
25 Feb 2002: Split into separate entry.
23 Aug 2003: Added Xrefs to online Justin
23 Oct 2003: Completed discussion of the identification of "king Alexas" with Ptolemy X.
24 Feb 2004: Added Xref to online Strabo
13 Sep 2004: Add Xref to online Eusebius
14 Oct. 2004: Upgraded "Alexas" discussion to take account of theories of "Ptolemy Alexander III".
26 Oct 204: Extended discussion of the will of Ptolemy X in response to critique by Mark Passehl.
9 Dec 2004: Added discussion of the assignment of "o Kokkes" and "pareisaktos" to Ptolemy X rather than Ptolemy XII
11 Mar 2005: Added Greek transcription; noted that Mørkholm's analysis that Ptolemy IX recaptured Alexandria in 88 allows Ptolemy X to die that year
18 May 2005: Separated "Alexas" from the will; extended discussion of the name "Alexas".
20 May 2005: Added discussion of numismatic arguments for tracing the Tyrian hoard (thanks to Renzo Lucherini and Phil Davis)
27 May 2005: Further discussion of "Alexas" (thanks to Christian Settipani for noting onomastica)
17 Dec 2005: Note why the senatus auctoritas accepting Egypt as a bequest must have been passed shortly after the death of Alexas.
23 Dec 2005: Correct statement on manner of his death: we don't actually know that he drowned.
24 April 2006: Refine discussion of Ptolemy X as governor of Cyprus in light of additional considerations on Helenos and Ptolemy IX
16 Sep 2006: Added link to Packer Humanities DB, Canon at Attalus
17 Nov. 2007: Adjust titulary to reflect Ritner's corrections and commentary
4 Dec 2010: Fix broken Perseus links
29 Jan 2011: Expand Kokke discussion to include the Chronicon Paschale and the remote possibilities that Ptolemy "o Kokkes" is Ptolemy IX or otherwise unknown.
29 Jan 2011: Add "Philometor Soter" to documented titulary.

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