Chap.1 Sect.3 Para.1. . . Church Fathers were virtually unanimous in this . . .

Chap.1 Sect.2 Para.1. . . . However, if an unbeliever forced a divorce, . . .
Chap.1 Sect.2 Para.2. . . are holy. (15) But if the unbeliever separates, let them . . .
Chap.1 Sect.3 Para.1. . . perhaps for desertion by an unbeliever. They also . . .
Chap.4 Sect.2 Para.2. . . they had been divorced by an unbeliever, there was nothing . . .
Chap.5 Sect.2.2 Para.2. . . (adultery and desertion by an unbeliever) have the . . .
Chap.5 Sect.3 Para.2. . . or desertion by an unbeliever, without the right . . .

Chap.1 Sect.2 Para.2. . . Lord: If any brother has an unbelieving wife, and she is . . .
Chap.1 Sect.2 Para.2. . . . (13) And a woman who has an unbelieving husband, and he is . . .
Chap.1 Sect.2 Para.2. . . her husband. (14) For the unbelieving husband is . . .
Chap.1 Sect.2 Para.2. . . in the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified . . .
Chap.3 Sect.2 Para.1. . . wanted to divorce their unbelieving partners, Paul . . .
Chap.3 Sect.3 Para.1. . . from divorcing their unbelieving spouses, which . . .
Chap.3 Sect.3 Para.3. . . had already divorced their unbelieving partner by . . .

Chap.1 Sect.4 Para.9. . . often ignored. Also it is uncertain that Mark's version . . .
Chap.5 Sect.2.4 Para.4. . . should stop teaching this uncertain doctrine and should . . .

Chap.1 Sect.1 Para.4. . . , or suchlike. There are two uncertainties with the . . .

Chap.1 Sect.2 Para.2. . . your children would be unclean; but as it is they are . . .

Chap.1 Sect.4 Para.3. . . fits in with Jesus' other uncompromising and idealistic . . .

Chap.5 Sect.2.5 Para.4. . . who has promised to love me unconditionally, I come to you . . .

Chap.2 Sect.1 Para.1. . . abhorrence of women who uncover their heads in public . . .

Chap.1 Sect.4 Para.9. . . , though in practice this was unenforceable in both . . .

Chap.5 Sect.2.1 Para.4. . . the Bible is impractical and unfair in this area, so they . . .

Chap.4 Sect.1 Para.1. . . : infertility (Gen.1.22, 28), unfaithfulness (Deut.24.1), . . .
Chap.4 Sect.1 Para.3. . . divorce was compulsory for unfaithfulness. He also denied . . .
Chap.5 Sect.2.2 Para.1. . . grounds for divorce - unfaithfulness, material . . .
Chap.5 Sect.2.4 Para.2. . . remarriages after divorce for unfaithfulness./It is only the . . .
Chap.5 Sect.3 Para.1. . . on the biblical grounds of unfaithfulness, material . . .
Chap.5 Sect.3 Para.2. . . (divorce only for unfaithfulness or desertion by . . .

Chap.5 Sect.2.5 Para.2. . . breaking marriage vows is an unforgivable sin. Also, if the . . .

Chap.3 Sect.6 Para.7. . . . It was similar to the Latin univira, 'a one-man woman'. . . .

Chap.1 Sect.2 Para.2. . . herself, she ought to remain unmarried, or she ought to be . . .
Chap.3 Sect.6 Para.6. . . both speak highly about the unmarried state (1Cor.7.7f, . . .
Chap.4 Sect.2 Para.3. . . for a Roman citizen to remain unmarried for more than 18 . . .

Chap.1 Sect.4 Para.9. . . in the 1st century, and unpopular Pharisaic rules were . . .

Chap.1 Sect.4 Para.8. . . that adulterers would go unpunished if they could not . . .

Chap.4 Sect.3 Para.1. . . , unless they are stubbornly unrepentant. Both Jesus and . . .

Chap.5 Sect.2.2 Para.3. . . if they are stubbornly and unrepentantly broken./ . . .

Chap.5 Sect.2 Para.2. . . . This conclusion can be unsettling in itself, because . . .

Chap.5 Sect.2.1 Para.2. . . for proof but was found to be unworkable./The direction of . . .

Chap.5 Sect.2.1 Para.1. . . type of divorce in the UK, USA, and other countries, and . . .
Chap.5 Sect.2.1 Para.3. . . trend has occurred in the USA since the first 'no-fault' . . .

Chap.1 Sect.4 Para.7. . . . However, in normal Greek usage, porneia meant general . . .

Chap.1 Sect.1 Para.4. . . this word is similarly vague and wide ranging. . . .

Chap.2 Sect.2 Para.5. . . compulsory when there was a valid ground. Unlike the . . .
Chap.3 Sect.1 Para.3. . . to our own. Anyone who had a valid divorce had an automatic . . .
Chap.3 Sect.3 Para.5. . . has been stolen./4) There are valid grounds for divorce. . . .
Chap.3 Sect.3 Para.5. . . in v.15 that desertion was a valid ground for divorce. He . . .
Chap.5 Sect.2.3 Para.3. . . and love', so they had valid grounds for divorce. But . . .
Chap.5 Sect.2.3 Para.5. . . , although divorce without valid grounds is wrong, it . . .
Chap.5 Sect.2.3 Para.5. . . person who divorced without valid grounds should repent . . .
Chap.5 Sect.3 Para.1. . . allowed remarriage after a valid divorce. Both emphasized . . .

Chap.2 Sect.7 Para.2. . . ./When Jesus denied the validity of all divorces " . . .
Chap.2 Sect.7 Para.2. . . all other Jews, accepted the validity of divorces for . . .

Chap.1 Sect.4 Para.7. . . only for those who were not validly married. However, in . . .
Chap.2 Sect.1 Para.6. . . for 'Any Matter' were not validly divorced, so they were . . .

Chap.1 Sect.2 Para.5. . . Paul, like any author, used a variety of words which were . . .
Chap.1 Sect.3 Para.4. . . Modern churches follow a wide variety of practices. The . . .

Chap.1 Sect.4 Para.10. . . divorce their husbands./These various proposals have failed . . .

Chap.2 Sect.3 Para.3. . . In both Matthew and Mark, the verb 'separate' is in the . . .

Chap.2 Sect.4 Para.2. . . because it is clearly not verbatim and rabbinic debates . . .

Chap.5 Sect.1 Para.8. . . this ancient Latin and early vernacular English liturgy. . . .

Chap.1 Sect.2 Para.3. . . have concluded from this verse (and a similar verse at . . .
Chap.1 Sect.2 Para.3. . . this verse (and a similar verse at Rom.7.2) that . . .

Chap.3 Sect.5 Para.1. . . occurs?: Paul says in two verses that a marriage ends . . .
Chap.3 Sect.5 Para.1. . . 2). However, neither of these verses state that marriage . . .

Chap.1 Sect.1 Para.1. . . (Matt.5.31f, Luke 16.18). The version in Matt.19, which is . . .
Chap.1 Sect.1 Para.3. . . are also found in Matthew's version of the short saying, . . .
Chap.1 Sect.1 Para.3. . . saying, and not in Luke's version of the saying. This . . .
Chap.1 Sect.4 Para.3. . . generally assume that Mark's version is oldest, and that . . .
Chap.1 Sect.4 Para.9. . . it is uncertain that Mark's version was written for . . .
Chap.2 Sect.1 Para.7. . . done likewise. The older version, which is preserved in . . .

Chap.2 Sect.4 Para.5. . . viewpoint in these two versions is exactly equivalent . . .
Chap.2 Sect.4 Para.5. . . exactly equivalent to the two versions in Matthew: Every . . .
Chap.5 Sect.1 Para.2. . . and influential of the early versions of the English . . .

Chap.3 Sect.3 Para.4. . . ./3) If they have been the victim of . . .
Chap.3 Sect.3 Para.4. . . enacted. The only thing the victim can do is to make sure . . .

Chap.1 Sect.4 Para.8. . . occasionally through mob violence./A suggestion by I. . . .

Chap.1 Sect.3 Para.1. . . died. The Church Fathers were virtually unanimous in this . . .
Chap.2 Sect.4 Para.1. . . divorces, but this included virtually all divorces which . . .
Chap.4 Sect.1 Para.1. . . quickly become the basis for virtually all divorces. They . . .
Chap.4 Sect.3 Para.2. . . in the mid 1800s. Since then, virtually all commentaries . . .
Chap.5 Sect.1 Para.8. . . liturgy. This means that virtually all married . . .
Chap.5 Sect.2.4 Para.3. . . do not rule out divorce. Virtually all the Reformers . . .

Chap.5 Sect.1 Para.7. . . was never a marriage vow in the Old Testament, . . .
Chap.5 Sect.1 Para.7. . . it did become a marriage vow in 1st century Judaism and . . .

Chap.5 Sect.1 Para.8. . . all married Christians have vowed before God and the . . .

Chap.2 Sect.6 Para.1. . . contract were the marriage vows or obligations. If either . . .
Chap.2 Sect.6 Para.1. . . in the breaking of marriage vows, and not it the process . . .
Chap.2 Sect.6 Para.2. . . . Ezekiel listed the marriage vows which God had kept but . . .
Chap.3 Sect.5 Para.2. . . Law never breaks any marriage vows. Their only hope is that . . .
Chap.4 Sect.1 Para.1. . . these were recognized as the vows implicit in a marriage . . .
Chap.4 Sect.1 Para.1. . . divorce occurred when these vows were repeatedly and . . .
Chap.4 Sect.1 Para.3. . . breaking their marriage vows. He therefore denied that . . .
Chap.4 Sect.3 Para.1. . . divorce by breaking marriage vows, and should try to . . .
Chap.4 Sect.3 Para.1. . . partner who has broken their vows, unless they are . . .
Chap.5 Sect.1 Para.1. . . 21st Century Church: Marriage vows in Christian weddings: . . .
Chap.5 Sect.1 Para.1. . . the basis of the marriage vows./The oldest English . . .
Chap.5 Sect.1 Para.2. . . In the Latin portion, the man vows to 'esteem, honour, keep, . . .
Chap.5 Sect.1 Para.2. . . and protect' while the woman vows to 'obey, serve, esteem, . . .
Chap.5 Sect.1 Para.4. . . way into Christian marriage vows, which can therefore be . . .
Chap.5 Sect.1 Para.5. . . of Sarum adds to these basic vows by having the wife . . .
Chap.5 Sect.1 Para.8. . . somewhat more elaborate, our vows are nevertheless based on . . .
Chap.5 Sect.1 Para.8. . . This means that our marriage vows include all the Old . . .
Chap.5 Sect.1 Para.8. . . include all the Old Testament vows which were affirmed by . . .
Chap.5 Sect.2.2 Para.3. . . on the basis of marriage vows so that they are seen . . .
Chap.5 Sect.2.2 Para.3. . . should teach that marriage vows form grounds for divorce . . .
Chap.5 Sect.2.4 Para.4. . . divorce by breaking marriage vows./ . . .
Chap.5 Sect.2.5 Para.2. . . that breaking marriage vows is an unforgivable sin. . . .
Chap.5 Sect.2.5 Para.6. . . they will take their marriage vows the following day. This . . .
Chap.5 Sect.3 Para.1. . . by breaking their marriage vows, and Jesus suggested that . . .
Chap.5 Sect.3 Para.1. . . partner who breaks their vows./The church lost touch . . .
Chap.5 Sect.3 Para.3. . . is permitted when marriage vows are broken, but the . . .
Chap.5 Sect.3 Para.3. . . of breaking former marriage vows should be expressed in . . .

Chap.1 Sect.3 Para.2. . . was a sacrament, because the Vulgate translated 'mystery' . . .

Chap.3 Sect.3 Para.4. . . . Once someone's spouse has walked out or dismissed them, . . .

Chap.5 Sect.1 Para.3. . . and cherishes it [lit 'keeps warm', i.e. 'clothes'], as . . .

Chap.5 Sect.1 Para.6. . . :/I N take thee N to my wedded housbonder to have and . . .

Chap.5 Sect.1 Para.1. . . of the traditional Christian wedding service contains . . .
Chap.5 Sect.2.5 Para.5. . . : (A prayer for the couple's wedding and future life.)/This . . .
Chap.5 Sect.2.5 Para.6. . . this service occurs after the wedding rehearsal, in the same . . .

Chap.5 Sect.1 Para.1. . . : Marriage vows in Christian weddings: Traditional church . . .

Chap.1 Sect.4 Para.9. . . by William Heth and Gordon Wenham, and more recently by . . .
Chap.5 Sect.3 Para.4. . . viewpoint, see W. Heth & G. Wenham, Jesus and Divorce ( . . .

Chap.3 Sect.2 Para.4. . . . Therefore Paul said that a widow or widower should marry . . .
Chap.3 Sect.4 Para.4. . . to establish the right of a widow to remarry. Remarriage . . .
Chap.3 Sect.4 Para.4. . . proving this right, whereas a widow often had to provide her . . .
Chap.3 Sect.5 Para.1. . . 7.39 concerns the rights of a widow, so divorce is naturally . . .

Chap.3 Sect.2 Para.4. . . Paul said that a widow or widower should marry 'only in . . .

Chap.3 Sect.6 Para.6. . . the Pastorals encourage widows to do so (1Tim.5.14 cf. . . .

Chap.1 Sect.1 Para.2. . . for a person to divorce his wife for 'Any Matter'?" (4) He . . .
Chap.1 Sect.1 Para.2. . . mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become . . .
Chap.1 Sect.1 Para.2. . . to you: whoever divorces his wife, except for 'Indecency' [ . . .
Chap.1 Sect.2 Para.2. . . (not I, but the Lord): A wife ought not to separate . . .
Chap.1 Sect.2 Para.2. . . husband ought not dismiss his wife. (12) But concerning . . .
Chap.1 Sect.2 Para.2. . . brother has an unbelieving wife, and she is content to . . .
Chap.1 Sect.2 Para.2. . . husband is sanctified in the wife, and the unbelieving wife . . .
Chap.1 Sect.2 Para.2. . . the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified in the . . .
Chap.1 Sect.2 Para.4. . . end by death:/1Cor.7.39 A wife is bound for so long time . . .
Chap.1 Sect.4 Para.4. . . for a man to divorce his wife?' This should prompt the . . .
Chap.2 Sect.1 Para.3. . . A man should not divorce his wife except if he found . . .
Chap.2 Sect.1 Para.8. . . for a man to divorce his wife?" was meaningless, . . .
Chap.2 Sect.2 Para.4. . . as God's 'hard-hearted' wife when she repeatedly . . .
Chap.2 Sect.4 Para.3. . . "A man should not divorce his wife except if he found a . . .
Chap.2 Sect.4 Para.4. . . A man should not divorce his wife except if he found . . .
Chap.2 Sect.4 Para.5. . . : Every one who divorces his wife, except for a matter of . . .
Chap.2 Sect.4 Para.5. . . .5.32). Whoever divorces his wife, except for 'Indecency'.. . . .
Chap.2 Sect.5 Para.5. . . originally to a slave wife when a man took a second . . .
Chap.2 Sect.5 Para.5. . . wife when a man took a second wife. The lawyers argued that . . .
Chap.2 Sect.5 Para.5. . . argued that if a slave wife had these rights, then . . .
Chap.2 Sect.5 Para.5. . . rights, then so did a free wife and so did a husband. . . .
Chap.2 Sect.5 Para.5. . . for divorce if a husband or wife neglected their spouse's . . .
Chap.3 Sect.2 Para.3. . . 'please' their husband or wife. Surprisingly, Paul spoke . . .
Chap.3 Sect.2 Para.3. . . to 'please' their husband or wife./3) Believers should only . . .
Chap.3 Sect.6 Para.1. . . Husband of one wife?: The Pastorals say that . . .
Chap.3 Sect.6 Para.1. . . translated 'a husband of one wife' and 'wife of one . . .
Chap.3 Sect.6 Para.1. . . 'a husband of one wife' and 'wife of one husband'. This . . .
Chap.3 Sect.6 Para.1. . . 'a husband of one wife' and 'wife of one husband'. This has . . .
Chap.5 Sect.1 Para.3. . . own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. (29) For . . .
Chap.5 Sect.1 Para.5. . . basic vows by having the wife promise:/I N take thee N . . .

Chap.1 Sect.1 Para.3. . . they abbreviated Matthew. I will argue that Matthew added . . .
Chap.1 Sect.1 Para.5. . . and 'Indecency' because, as I will show below, they are
Chap.1 Sect.2 Para.6. . . would understand it./It will be shown below that . . .
Chap.1 Sect.3 Para.4. . . occurred, so another marriage will not really be remarriage. . . .
Chap.1 Sect.4 Para.10. . . any 1st century reader. We will now examine how a 1st . . .
Chap.2 Sect.4 Para.8. . . the 1st century accepted. We will now look at those other . . .
Chap.3 Sect.5 Para.2. . . hope is that the marriage will end in death. But the Law . . .
Chap.3 Sect.5 Para.2. . . end in death. But the Law will not die. The Good News is . . .
Chap.5 Sect.2 Para.4. . . from this study, a few of will now be examined briefly./ . . .
Chap.5 Sect.2.5 Para.2. . . only the 'innocent', it will have to set up some kind . . .
Chap.5 Sect.2.5 Para.4. . . to keep the promises which I will make. Amen./Minister: (A . . .
Chap.5 Sect.2.5 Para.6. . . in the same place where they will take their marriage vows . . .
Chap.5 Sect.2.5 Para.6. . . past is behind and that God will help them not to make . . .

Chap.1 Sect.4 Para.9. . . which was popularized by William Heth and Gordon Wenham . . .

Chap.3 Sect.1 Para.3. . . now free to marry any man you wish.'. Very similar words . . .
Chap.3 Sect.4 Para.2. . . now free to marry any man you wish'./The phrase 'no longer . . .
Chap.3 Sect.4 Para.4. . . now free to marry any man you wish'. Paul quotes these words . . .

Chap.2 Sect.6 Para.1. . . to end the contract if they wished- i.e. to get a divorce. . . .
Chap.3 Sect.4 Para.3. . . generally live life as she wished. She could even choose . . .

Chap.1 Sect.2 Para.4. . . to be married to whom she wishes; only in the Lord./ . . .

Chap.1 Sect.1 Para.2. . . allowed you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning . . .
Chap.3 Sect.6 Para.6. . . would have two husbands or wives./An early Graeco-Roman . . .
Chap.5 Sect.1 Para.2. . . love, feed and clothe their wives, just as Christ does:/ . . .
Chap.5 Sect.1 Para.3. . . so husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He . . .

Chap.5 Sect.1 Para.6. . . departhe, if holy chyrche it wol ordeyne, and thereto I . . .

Chap.1 Sect.2 Para.2. . . not dismiss her. (13) And a woman who has an unbelieving . . .
Chap.1 Sect.4 Para.9. . . the fact that Mark mentions a woman divorcing her husband, . . .
Chap.2 Sect.5 Para.6. . . food, cloth or money, and the woman had to make them into . . .
Chap.2 Sect.5 Para.6. . . was introduced, and even a woman could gain a divorce on . . .
Chap.3 Sect.2 Para.3. . . sewing and cooking which the woman had to perform. Paul, in . . .
Chap.3 Sect.3 Para.3. . . translations suggest that the woman 'has been separated' ( . . .
Chap.3 Sect.6 Para.1. . . should be 'a man of one woman' (! Tim.3.2) and the . . .
Chap.3 Sect.6 Para.1. . . and the corresponding phrase 'woman of one man' occurs in . . .
Chap.3 Sect.6 Para.1. . . and the corresponding phrase 'woman of one man' occurs in . . .
Chap.3 Sect.6 Para.6. . . more than one spouse, so 'woman of one man' would not . . .
Chap.3 Sect.6 Para.6. . . more than one spouse, so 'woman of one man' would not . . .
Chap.3 Sect.6 Para.7. . . the Latin univira, 'a one-man woman'. The term is found in . . .
Chap.3 Sect.6 Para.8. . . They had to be 'a man of one woman' or 'a woman of one man' . . .
Chap.3 Sect.6 Para.8. . . be 'a man of one woman' or 'a woman of one man' - i.e. . . .
Chap.5 Sect.1 Para.2. . . keep, and protect' while the woman vows to 'obey, serve, . . .

Chap.3 Sect.6 Para.5. . . died, or/d) he must not be a womanizer./The first . . .

Chap.1 Sect.4 Para.9. . . papyrus has shown that Jewish women were able to divorce . . .
Chap.2 Sect.1 Para.1. . . Paul's abhorrence of women who uncover their heads . . .
Chap.3 Sect.6 Para.7. . . funeral orations concerning women who were faithful to one . . .

Chap.5 Sect.2 Para.2. . . in itself, because people may wonder what else the church . . .

Chap.5 Sect.1 Para.7. . . have survived, except the wonderfully alliterative 'be . . .

Chap.1 Sect.1 Para.3. . . , just as we mentally add the word 'cigarettes' to the . . .
Chap.1 Sect.1 Para.4. . . in translating the word porneia because this has . . .
Chap.1 Sect.1 Para.4. . . used 'indecency' because this word is similarly vague and . . .

Chap.1 Sect.4 Para.4. . . so!' (i.e. in Deut.24.1). The wording in both Gospels . . .
Chap.2 Sect.4 Para.5. . . ./It is noteworthy that the wording of the Shammaite . . .
Chap.3 Sect.4 Para.2. . . would remind them of the wording in Jewish and . . .
Chap.3 Sect.4 Para.3. . . The two documents had similar wording and similar . . .
Chap.5 Sect.1 Para.1. . . sexual faithfulness - but the wording of the traditional . . .
Chap.5 Sect.1 Para.2. . . . This was derived from the wording of Eph.5.28f where . . .

Chap.1 Sect.1 Para.1. . . in a very literal way. The words which Mark does not . . .
Chap.1 Sect.1 Para.4. . . most translations have added words such as 'in the case of' . . .
Chap.1 Sect.1 Para.4. . . Greek text. Although these words help to make the . . .
Chap.1 Sect.2 Para.5. . . any author, used a variety of words which were sometimes . . .
Chap.1 Sect.4 Para.10. . . or he has correctly added the words which were implicit for . . .
Chap.2 Sect.1 Para.8. . . be superfluous to add the words 'alcoholic beverages', . . .
Chap.2 Sect.1 Para.8. . . Jew would add the obvious words "on the grounds of 'Any . . .
Chap.2 Sect.1 Para.8. . . of 'Any Matter'". These words were obvious because . . .
Chap.2 Sect.3 Para.3. . . , as listed above./Jesus' words 'Those whom God has . . .
Chap.2 Sect.7 Para.2. . . , when he used the same words in the same context, to . . .
Chap.3 Sect.1 Para.3. . . right. The only compulsory words on a Jewish get or . . .
Chap.3 Sect.1 Para.3. . . man you wish.'. Very similar words occurred on most . . .
Chap.3 Sect.4 Para.4. . . herself./The only compulsory words on a divorce certificate . . .
Chap.3 Sect.4 Para.4. . . you wish'. Paul quotes these words in 1Cor.7.39, when he . . .
Chap.4 Sect.1 Para.1. . . hearers and readers of Jesus' words came to the subject of . . .
Chap.5 Sect.1 Para.8. . . we do not use these exact words, because liturgical . . .
Chap.5 Sect.2.5 Para.3. . . from this service. A form of words which might be used is:/ . . .

Chap.1 Sect.2 Para.6. . . divorce in the Graeco-Roman world was enacted simply by . . .
Chap.2 Sect.4 Para.7. . . addressed to a non-Jewish world. But where Jesus . . .
Chap.3 Sect.1 Para.2. . . the 1st century Graeco-Roman world was . . .
Chap.3 Sect.1 Para.2. . . and, unlike the modern world, there was no concept of . . .
Chap.3 Sect.1 Para.3. . . , the Graeco-Roman and Jewish world were very similar to our . . .
Chap.3 Sect.2 Para.3. . . about the 'things of this world', so that they 'please' . . .
Chap.3 Sect.2 Para.3. . . spoke positively about 'the world' because material . . .
Chap.3 Sect.6 Para.7. . . the 1st century Graeco-Roman world, because it would not . . .
Chap.5 Sect.3 Para.1. . . of the New Testament world means that we can now . . .

Chap.2 Sect.1 Para.1. . . have to read it through the worldview of a 1st century . . .

Chap.5 Sect.1 Para.6. . . day forwarde for better: for wors: for richer: for poorer: . . .

Chap.2 Sect.5 Para.6. . . it would force her husband to write out a divorce . . .
Chap.3 Sect.1 Para.3. . . they rarely bothered to write a certificate. As soon . . .

Chap.1 Sect.4 Para.9. . . maintained that Mark, who was writing for Gentiles, did not . . .

Chap.1 Sect.4 Para.9. . . that Mark's version was written for Gentiles. The . . .
Chap.3 Sect.1 Para.1. . . epistles were largely written to a mixture of Greeks . . .

Chap.5 Sect.2 Para.2. . . what else the church has got wrong. Therefore the church . . .
Chap.5 Sect.2.3 Para.5. . . without valid grounds is wrong, it still marks the end . . .
Chap.5 Sect.2.3 Para.5. . . they should not compound the wrong by breaking up yet . . .

Chap.5 Sect.3 Para.4. . . 2001) and other resources at www.Instone-Brewer.com. For a . . .